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Kula is a word in Sanskrit that can be translated to mean tribe, community, or family. We're a relaxed, people-centered yoga studio in Glendale, with classes and events for any body 7 days a week.

Our mission is to be a comfortable and encouraging environment for any body to feel welcome, included, capable, and challenged. We provide opportunities to hang out with other cool, like-minded people, grow in wellness in body + mind + spirit, and spread peace to that crazy world out there.

We have a roomy hang out area, two large restrooms, a small retail shop, and two yoga rooms in a fresh and comfortable space.

People love our variety of formats, knowledgeable teachers, and flexible schedule. 

Events and workshops

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Friday May  17th
6:00pm $30
With Linda

Fascia Release for Your Whole Body 

Ever wondered why touching your toes feels elusive or why that deep ache persists in muscles or joints?


It could be tight, misaligned fascia, not just muscles. Your body houses an extensive 3D network of connective tissue called fascia—made of collagen and elastin fibers, allowing flexibility and adaptability. Misaligned fascia leads to restrictions and chronic conditions, often aggravated by poor posture.


This two-hour self-fascia release practice aims to alleviate muscle knots, decrease soreness, enhance range of motion, and promote better posture. Post practice, you will experience a profound overall body relaxation.

Register Here

Living Your Yoga Off The Mat

This two hour workshop is for students and teachers alike who are interested in learning about how yoga is more than just a physical practice.


This interactive discussion will explore the yogic philosophy of Patanjali's 8-limb path with a focus on the first two limbs - Yamas and Niyamas, as well as subtle bodies - Panchamaya koshas.


Acquire a knowledge of how you can practice the yoga philosophy off your your mat and bring it into your daily life by "living your yoga".

Teachers receive 2 hours CE with Yoga Alliance.

Friday June 21st 
6:00pm $35
With Jodi

Hip Yin

Hip Opening to Release Physical and Emotional Tension


Many of us endure tight hips from prolonged sitting in our daily routines. The major hip flexor, the iliopsoas muscle, originates in the lower back/pelvis and attaches to the femur bone. Tightness in this muscle can result in lower back pain, knee cap pain, and reduced mobility in daily activities. Additionally, tight psoas muscles can harbor emotional stress in our hip joints. This specially curated yin yoga sequence is crafted to open tight hips, ease lower back discomfort, improve overall flexibility, and release emotional tension.


Yoga teachers receive 2 CE credit hours.

Friday July 12th
6:00pm $35
With Linda

20 hour Restorative Yoga Training

Learn how to create and offer restorative yoga classes with a multitude of restorative poses, modifications, and variations to accommodate different bodies and abilities. This training will cover the nervous system as well as the Stress Response and Rest/Digest.


Explore how to enter the poses, exit, and contraindications. Review ways to theme classes to accommodate specific populations or ailments.

Practice teaching and writing sequences.


Over three days:
Friday 4p-8p, Saturday and Sunday 11a-7p
Breaks will be offered.

Jodi is a registered yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and education provider: 500 RYT, 200 E-RYT, YACEP, CBC-Y She has been teaching since 2019 and is passionate about hold space for all bodies and needs.

Friday Nov 1st 4pm - 8pm
Sat Nov 2nd 11am - 7pm
Sun Nov 3rd 11am - 7pm
$295 With Jodi

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